Rector: Revd Sandra Marsh revsandramarsh@btinternet.com Tel 01233 713996
Parochial Church Council
The Parish of Calehill
Secretary malcolm Jones calehillpcc.sec@yahoo.com
Charing with Little Chart: Kevin Moon kevin@moon-and-co.co.uk
Charing Heath : Annie McNeil anniemcneil@aol.com
Egerton: Isobel MacDougall
Hothfield: Vacant
Pluckley: Janet Gwillim jg203@btconnect.com
Church Representatives
Charing Jane Stonehewer Jane.stonehewer@gmail.com
Charing Heath: Bob Cole
Egerton: vacant
Hothfield vacant
Little Chart: vacant
Deanery Representatives
Charing Heath: Peta Maidment (not on email)
Egerton: Jane White janeanneshite70@gmail.com
Safeguarding Lead & Reader Representative
Benefice: Mark Taylor cmarktaylor@hotmail.com
Secretaries for LCTs
Charing with Lottle Chart Vacant
Charing Heath Peta Maidment anniemcneil@aol.com (Peta Maidment)
Egerton Jan Burgess jan@chrisandjanburgess.co.uk
Hothfield Pam Howard pamelahoward@btconnect.com
Pluckley Sarah Lewis sarahlewis2000@hotmail.co.uk
Reader Mark Taylor
Reader in Training Kevin Moon
The Parish of saint mary, westwell
Churchwardens Susan Wood susanwood@uwclub.net
Martin Wyatt martin.j.wyatt@gmail.com
P.C.C. Secretary Heather Lister hlister@hotmail.com
Deanery Synod representative: Saskia Leigh-Pemberton